This page perfoms a fetch
on the server to get a random article from Wikipedia.
The fetched data is then cached with a tag named "randomWiki" and a maximum age of 60 seconds.
After the set time has passed, the first request for this page would trigger its rebuild in the background. When the new page is ready, subsequent requests would return the new page -
see stale-white-revalidate
Alternatively, if the cache tag is explicitly invalidated by revalidateTag('randomWiki')
, any page using that tag would be rebuilt in the background when requested.
In real-life applications, tags are typically invalidated when data has changed in an external system (e.g., the CMS notifies the site about content changes via a webhook), or after a data mutation made through the site.
For this functionality to work, Next.js uses the fine-grained caching headers available on Netlify - but you can use these features on basically any Netlify site!
The Beau Brummels is the sixth studio album by the American rock band of the same name. Released in April 1975, the album features the work of all five original band members for the first time since [...]
From Wikipedia